Monday, April 9, 2018

Reviewing a Review of Final Fantasy XV [Article Review]

Sometimes, critics have to criticize other critics. It’s the circle of life. So, I’ll evaluate this review of Final Fantasy XV.

Final Fantasy 15 Guide
Final Fantasy 15 is introducing a ton of great innovative things to the tabletop of titanic Final Fantasy series. Some these items will be upgraded on the classic constructing blocks that have been major features in all the previous installments, and some of them will be entirely new. One addition that has got several individual talking about and that has been wondered about quite a bit is the current cover system and health regeneration features.

In the previous Final Fantasy games, it was normal to have one of your characters cast an incantation such as “Cure” that provided them with a degree of healthiness points for them to cure their party members who are injured.

Introduction to cover system

What exactly can we create from this? It comes down to what the makers have dubbed as a Cover system. This will give the gamer an opportunity to influence their character to take charge of defending against and evade being damaged from incoming assaults. Note this isn’t a notion they have developed, as players will have come across it in the recent years since the time it was profoundly popularized in the games such as Gears of War. Nearly all other games utilize the cover as a way not to only evade taking destruction, but also in regenerating the health of your character. These results to more action oriented and streamlined content that players have responded to it in a positive manner, which will assist FFXV to appeal to superior spectators. This is as said by the director Tabata during an interview.

The majority of gamers have raised complaints that this idea appears to be fake for a series like Final Fantasy. However, there some of the fascinating ways in which the creators of the series can synergize the new capability with other mechanics of the game. Some individuals have speculated that instead of just curing the character, it could have given the gamer an augmented rate of character rejuvenation that could then let them get well once they have brought their pools and have direct healing be automatic.

Plenty of weapons

The main character of the forthcoming FFXV is a telekinetic prince called NoctisLucis Caelum. He has the capability equip any weapon accessible in the game, comprising spears, guns, axes, and swords, and once he is utilizing his telepathy, he is the ability to wield several weapons at the same time. Every weapon contains a particular set of attributes, and it is also customizable.  The game picks a weapon for you that are suitable to the situation where the battle starts. However, the weapon can be changed by selecting from a menu in a smaller HUD on the lower left-hand corner of the screen. You can get more information from Duscae Demo Walkthrough.

Pure combat adventure

FFVX arranges its battle scenes in real time, and similar to the ones in FFXII, they stream smoothly with other features of the game. The good thing is that are no transition or loading screens. The moment you enter into the battlefield, everything in your setting will play a role in your strategy and the way you battle, comprising obstacles, weather, elevation and the magnitude, shape and the capability of your opponents and allies.

Teleportation capability

Perhaps the Warp capability is the most advanced and exhilarating capability in the skills of Noctis. Blooming icons around the combat zone will stand for Warp locations, and Noctis will be capable of transporting himself promptly by aiming and throwing his sword at those positions. The command uses MP, nevertheless, once combined with the abilities of Noctis and the organic, free-flowing battle system, it gives room for lots of flexibility and improvisation of coming up with diverse attack combinations.

Graphic in final fantasy is gorgeous

The final fantasy series has been in there for an extended period. The original version was launched way back in 1988; therefore, the series itself has been around through several innovations within the video game industry, especially when the graphics of the game is concerned. The original game extremely flat, pixilated characters and the world that comprised very limited color palette, but as time moved on, thus did the developers at the game series’ innovation studios.

Time has significantly moved since that period, and the newest addition to the family, Final Fantasy XV, is proving to be a principally gorgeous game that uses the most cutting-edge graphics that will make players all over the globe swoon over the painstakingly and affectionately crafted world.

The engine that is used in accomplishing this is referred t as a luminous studio, which being created in the same period precisely for the latest game. It ensures that it will contain all the chimes and whistles that gamers have become acquainted with in other modern graphics engines with much more.

1. Is It Practical/ Useful and Authoritative?

Great idea mentioning other versions of the Final Fantasy series. Shows that you know your stuff.

Linking to credible sources would make the article appear more trustworthy. Also, the review would be more valuable if you also talked about the playing experience.

2. Is It Logical/ Coherent and Comprehensible?

The point of your second paragraph isn’t quite clear. It seems out of place. Besides that, the content has a good flow of narration.

The section under the second subtitle starts off alluding to an earlier-mentioned aspect. It’s best to mention what that is.

Despite being generally comprehensible, it would certainly be more enjoyable with proper grammar and good punctuation. In some instances you have to re-read sentences just to get the point.

3. Is It Unique and Captivating?

I have a feeling anyone writing about Final Fantasy XV would produce a replica of this article. Not very creative, is it? The title isn’t so interesting either.

Make the introduction shorter. Readers often lose attention if they don’t get the gist of your article fast. You could just focus on the most captivating aspect.

4. Is It Presentable and Relatable?

Hopefully, you don’t assume that the content under a subtitle should only be one paragraph long. Break down those long sentences, please. Even a short, one-sentence paragraph would break the monotony. You can have long sentences, only if the idea would be best presented in one sentence.

Smart idea bundling the particular game features under separate subtitles. Helps readers easily find their way around your content.

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